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Reaching Home Indigenous NL

Anutshish Etutakantshi Tshekuana

Uitshinan ninan Labrador Friendship Centre epushukatitshit auentshent tshe ushkuitnta kassinu NL. Umue attusseuna mana tshitshapana kie tshe uitshikut tsheutshamaua kie tshe empatakent nete Reaching Home Indigenous NL attusseun.

First Light (Ushkat Uastenaman)

We will ensure that Indigenous homeless and at imminent risk of homeless peoples have culturally appropriate housing options, and offer supports.

Ktaqmukuk Hub, Flat Bay Band

Attusseun mak tante tshe tutakent: Ktaqmukuk Hub for Rural Homelessness, Flat Bay Band Inc.

Tan Ishanakuak:
Ne tshe apashtaiat emamuitiat tshe tshi ushkuishtutshit auentshent ni ka nantu nastuapmanana ne Mi'kmaq auentshent eka uitshit kie eka sentakau tante tshe tatau kie ne unuetimit ka nipatau. Ni ka uauitshianan kie ni ka ushkuishtuanan tshe tshi uitshitshit kie ma tshe tshi tapashmak nete auenua tshe uitshitkut.

Salvation Army

Attusseun mak tante tshe tutakent: Nta Salvation Army Happy Valley-Goose Bay Corps' Reaching out to Bridge the Gap.

Tan Ishanakuak:
Tshika tau kaitusset mak utapan tshe tshi pamastapet uapuianu kie mitshemnu kie matshiuisha kie tshe tshi aimiat auenua euanentamantshi kie auena ekushtatentshi kie tshe tshi uapatniat shatshitunu.

Mokami Status of Women Council

We will maintain support networks through transportation for our housing-compromised clientele.

Qalipu Mi'kmaq First Nation Band

Qalipu Emergency Housing Support Program aims to help prevent and reduce homelessness among our members.

Status of Women Central & Exploits Native Women's Centre

Together in partnership, we will provide support to Indigenous Women & their families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Newfoundland Aboriginal Womens Network

We will assist Indigenous women facing homelessness, determining the type of housing and supports the individual or family needs including cultural supports.

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Reaching Home Indigenous NL